Nomo Nouns and Dawn Wallet

Nomo Nouns and Dawn Wallet

Mint Nomo Nouns using Dawn

  1. Setup Dawn

Download Dawn from the App Store and setup the Safari Extension.

  1. Connect Wallet

Visit on Safari. Click "Connect to play". It will prompt Dawn to connect.

3. Mint a Nomo

Click "Mint 1 now" to trigger a Dawn popup.

4. Sign

Review the transaction in Dawn and sign to mint your Nomo.

  1. Congrats

You just minted your first NFT!

  1. Follow

One lucky NOMO minter is drawn live on @thenounsquare every day to win a bonus NFT prize!

  1. Setup Dawn

Download Dawn from the App Store and setup the Safari Extension.

  1. Connect wallet

Visit on Safari. Click "Connect to play". It will prompt Dawn to connect.

  1. Mint a Nomo

Click "Mint 1 now" to trigger a Dawn popup.

  1. Sign!

Review the transaction in Dawn and sign to mint your Nomo.

  1. Congrats!

You just minted your first NFT! Congratulations!

  1. Follow us

One lucky NOMO minter is drawn live on @thenounsquare every day to win a bonus NFT prize!